New Zealand’s Original 50mm Lightweight

Concrete Specialists

CELCRETE Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) is a solid, inert, lightweight masonry building material that is suitable for use in the construction of all types of residential and commercial buildings.

Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) was developed by the Swedish architect, Johan Eriksson and was patented in 1924. Eriksson was looking for a building material which had the properties of wood – good thermal insulation, solid structure, easy to work and handle – but without the disadvantages of combustibility and decay. He succeeded in producing a highly cellular, lightweight material from a mixture of quartzite, sand, lime and water.

Since then AAC has proved its quality in all areas of building construction and in virtually all-climatic conditions. It is extensively used in Europe – particularly in Germany and The United Kingdom – and more recently in Japan, The United States, South East Asia and Australasia.

Celcrete Detail

The high-pressure steam curing in autoclaves achieves a physically and chemically stable product with the average weight being approximately one fifth that of standard concrete. AAC comprises myriads of non-connecting air cells, which together with the solid structure of calcium silicate hydrates give the material its incredibly diverse qualities. AAC provides excellent thermal insulation against high and low temperatures and has superior sound absorption and insulation qualities. It is non-combustible, decay free, non-allergenic and easy to handle and work. It can be drilled, chased, cut and shaped on site using conventional hand and power tools. For modern efficient buildings it is superior to conventional masonry in virtually every way and is one of the major achievements of the past century in the field of wall construction.

Environmentally friendly and energy conserving, AAC meets all the requirements of our modern age. Absolutely no pollutants or hazardous wastes are generated in the manufacturing process and there is no waste of raw materials. Production trimmings are all recycled back into the production process. The production process itself, being based on steam curing is very energy efficient.

Celcrete House Rural


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Celcrete Cladding Systems NZ Ltd, Tauranga